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Chelsia Pope DQ 2

Chelsia Pope DQ 2

Q 1. Puritans were unable to eliminate ritual at a burial because they often personified death as a “king of terror.” For puritans death can be overcome by eternity. They always considered that practicing ritual at a burial is useless still they couldn’t stop it because of society. As days are passing people are getting more accustomed with rituals. Although Puritans found ritual as a useless and superstitious practice, they had to keep going with the ritual practices to settle peacefully in society.

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2. I think that the focus will shift from the loss to the community and towards the celebration of the individual because people now realize the importance of rituals and gatherings. In earlier days Puritan didn’t believe in ceremonies and rituals, they used to keep death rituals as simple as they can. And rituals bring the family members and community closure, so it’s important to bid a person with rituals.